12 Months To Lesser Child Support
Your child support could be going down. Tennessee and other jurisdictions have proposed changing or modifying the amount of money a person pays or owes in child support. Tennessee and Georgia both allow child support modification or compromise on a case by case basis.
In 2015, Tennessee started a system that allowed for a person with legal custody of the child or children for child support purposes to agree with the person who does not have legal custody to have back or arrears child support owed to the person with legal custody to be forgiven and erased or reduced.
To put it shortly, if you can agree to it, you can make child support arrears go away. This is ideal for loved ones, persons who reside in the same house together, or people who co-parent their children very well. This does not include money owed to the state of Tennessee, only to the person with custody of the child or children. If you would like help with this, please contact Advice Law Firm.

The rules are one must pay their child support on time for 12 months, and the child support arrears
can go away as long as the person with custody is given full notice and disclosure of what is occurring and agrees to the reduction.
There are a number of strategies that can be implemented to make this child support modification compromise even easier, and are just good strategies in general for child support. Please contact Advice Law Firm to set up a phone or office consultation to see if these legal strategies would be good for you.
For example, one strategy is to enroll in the First Things First Dad's Making A Difference class for fathers who are desiring to pay their child support, learn good fathering, and good life skills. Contact their office or Advice Law Firm if you would like to enroll. This is also a good course of action in child support contempt cases where you could be facing incarceration.