Doctors vs. Police
In these trying times with Covid-19, driving, working, and many things are more difficult. This one was one of these times, where...

U.S.A = U. S.upport A.merican Workers
United States American federal employees, contractors, and workers attached to the federal work force are feeling the effects of the...

Gross Income, Grossly Not Paid
A lot of times in child support worksheets, gross income is used, for example year to date income from a most recent paycheck stub....
Cosby, Jail, and Child Support
Keisha Knight Pulliam, the lovable Rudy from the Cosby show, is looking to lock her estranged husband up, after only months of marriage....

3 Very Important Wins For Parents
After the Cleveland Cavaliers made history coming back from a 3-1 deficit in the NBA Finals to win a championship for the city of...
Remember the Important Things
As a child custody, child visitation, and child support lawyer, I’ve noticed that sometimes the object of the court hearing gets lost...

50-50 Reasons For Getting a Parenting Plan ASAP
Love maybe in the air, but when child custody, visitation, or support is on the line, you better dial 50-50 before you dial that loved...